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(Issues for release 2.0.5 and 1.3.11)
(Issues for release 2.1.0 and 1.3.12)
Regel 2: Regel 2:
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|MM-1925 = Replaced the text on "Use of the reference datatype" in the 2019.01 version of the MedMij FHIR IG with the updated text from the 2020.01 version of the MedMij FHIR IG (FHIR IG 1.0).
|MM-1911 = We have fixed an incorrect hyperlink in the profiles nl-core-patient & nl-core-person to the ConceptMap of GeslachtsCodeLijst to AdministrativeGender.
|MM-1910 = In several Medication related profiles, the base resource comment has been removed from the medication[x] element to align with the more restricted use case in the profiles.
|MM-1906 = Some ConceptMap references were incorrect or missing in our nl-core-contactpoint profile. We have fixed or added the right ConceptMap to this profile.
|MM-1905 = Dode links op [BgLZ-KwalificatieAddendumScenario1.2|] en [BgLZ-KwalificatieAddendumScenario1.3||] gerepareerd.
|MM-1902 = Op wiki-pagina [V2020.02 Toelichting Kwalificatie Langdurige Zorg|] zijn de transcludes van de V2020.01 versie vervangen door een kopie zodat deze pagina zelf getranscludeerd kan worden in het Ontwerp Langdurige Zorg.
|MM-1899 = Publication of several new FHIR profiles (and matching examples) for zibs used within the eOverdracht programme, leading to a new minor version of the zib2017 FHIR package.
|MM-1895 = De niet van toepassing zijnde basisoperaties 'maken', 'annuleren' en 'wijzigen' verwijderd uit het functioneel ontwerp.
|MM-1879 = Added the ValueSets and, plus their associated CodeSystems, from FHIR R4 core to the Questionnaires package.
|MM-1863 = Information has been added on the Questionnaires 2.x FHIR IG regarding the invariant "que-1" in the QuestionnaireProvisioningTask profile.
|MM-1861 = Narratives (Resource.text) go from SHALL to SHOULD in the generic FHIR IG, leaving the option for information standards to further re-constrain that into SHALL based on the specified use cases. Narrative, if present, SHALL NOT contradict the resource it is in (this was already a requirement). Clinical relevance, if narrative is present, is expected, but not tested.
|MM-1846 = Removed the fixed string "Comment" from Condition.comment (and moved it to Condition.comment.short) in the zib-PressureUlcer profile.
|MM-1842 = Added guidance to the IG for Questionnaires to use absolute references when sending the QuestionnaireResponse as part of a transaction Bundle.
|MM-1828 = The assert in TestScripts that checks if a BSN identifier is present in a Patient resource is improved.
|MM-1828 = The assert in TestScripts that checks if a BSN identifier is present in a Patient resource is improved.
|MM-1824 = The Questionnaire.url element in MedMij Questionnaires 2.x (2020.01) qualification material was not conform the FHIR specification because the resource type was missing. This has been added.
|MM-1824 = The Questionnaire.url element in MedMij Questionnaires 2.x (2020.01) qualification material was not conform the FHIR specification because the resource type was missing. This has been added.
|MM-1814 = De url naar het aanleverformat voor de Raadplegen use-case van BgLZ klopte niet, dit is aangepast.
|MM-1814 = De url naar het aanleverformat voor de Raadplegen use-case van BgLZ klopte niet, dit is aangepast.
|MM-1797 = Publicatie MedMij kwalificatie beoordelingsformulieren (1) Beschikbaarstellen AllergieIntolerantie o.b.v. publicatie 2020.01 (nieuw) en (2) Beschikbaarstellen AllergieIntolerantieVertaling o.b.v. publicatie 2020.01 (nieuw).
|MM-1797 = Publicatie MedMij kwalificatie beoordelingsformulieren (1) Beschikbaarstellen AllergieIntolerantie o.b.v. publicatie 2020.01 (nieuw) en (2) Beschikbaarstellen AllergieIntolerantieVertaling o.b.v. publicatie 2020.01 (nieuw).
|MM-1796 = Added a remark to ValueSet NHGTable14v7-ContactType about leading zeros.
|MM-1787 = Added guidance to the FHIR IG regarding the use of the code-specification extension to FHIR instances that cannot include the HCIM ValueSet directly.
|MM-1787 = Added guidance to the FHIR IG regarding the use of the code-specification extension to FHIR instances that cannot include the HCIM ValueSet directly.
|MM-1772 = Mode value changed from "client" to "server" in the MedicationServer and PDFAServer CapabilityStatements.
|MM-1772 = Mode value changed from "client" to "server" in the MedicationServer and PDFAServer CapabilityStatements.
Regel 12: Regel 26:
|MM-1765 = In MedMij-kwalificatiemateriaal Vragenlijsten 1.x (2019.01): scenario's 2.7 en 3.5 uit addenda verwijderd omdat deze overbodig zijn.
|MM-1765 = In MedMij-kwalificatiemateriaal Vragenlijsten 1.x (2019.01): scenario's 2.7 en 3.5 uit addenda verwijderd omdat deze overbodig zijn.
|MM-1758 = Url's to the HL7 FHIR wiki pages on MedMij wiki pages pointed to a deprecated version, this has been corrected, the url's now point to the new HL7 Confluence pages.
|MM-1758 = Url's to the HL7 FHIR wiki pages on MedMij wiki pages pointed to a deprecated version, this has been corrected, the url's now point to the new HL7 Confluence pages.
|MM-1752 = The profiling guidelines for STU3 and R4 are updated to contain the latest convention for filename and
|MM-1750 = De Nictiz FHIR 3.0.1 en Nictiz Dev testsystemen zijn verwijderd in Touchstone.
|MM-1731 = Completed ConceptMap MateVanKritiekZijnCodelijst-to-allergy-intolerance-criticality by adding missing zib Concept translations to the ConceptMap.
|MM-1731 = Completed ConceptMap MateVanKritiekZijnCodelijst-to-allergy-intolerance-criticality by adding missing zib Concept translations to the ConceptMap.
|MM-1722 = City value changed from "Sitswerd" to "Stitswerd" in examples to correct the spelling.
|MM-1722 = City value changed from "Sitswerd" to "Stitswerd" in examples to correct the spelling.
Regel 23: Regel 39:
|MM-1675 = In the error handling section of the general IG, the explanation for "no match" and the description for "known but unsupported parameter value" have been improved. "Unsupported search parameter" has been added as a link to the section on search.
|MM-1675 = In the error handling section of the general IG, the explanation for "no match" and the description for "known but unsupported parameter value" have been improved. "Unsupported search parameter" has been added as a link to the section on search.
|MM-1662 = In several Medication releated profiles, the base resource comment has been removed from the medication[x] element to align with the more restricted use case in the profiles.
|MM-1662 = In several Medication releated profiles, the base resource comment has been removed from the medication[x] element to align with the more restricted use case in the profiles.
|MM-1656 = The Medication Process example search requests are improved by fixing typos and adding additional examples.
|MM-1651 = In the FHIR IG section on handling errors, the status code for unauthorized requests has been adjusted from 401 to 403. In the introduction text, a reference to the FHIR security spec has been added.
|MM-1651 = In the FHIR IG section on handling errors, the status code for unauthorized requests has been adjusted from 401 to 403. In the introduction text, a reference to the FHIR security spec has been added.
|MM-1650 = De sectie 'veelgemaakte fouten' in de kwalificatie-FAQ is uitgebreid met het gebruik van codesysteem-OID's en verkeerde afhandeling van niet-ondersteunde resources.
|MM-1650 = De sectie 'veelgemaakte fouten' in de kwalificatie-FAQ is uitgebreid met het gebruik van codesysteem-OID's en verkeerde afhandeling van niet-ondersteunde resources.
Regel 34: Regel 51:
|MM-1580 = In the FHIR profile gp-DiagnosticResult, added guidance for the use of NHG Table 45 on Observation.value[x].
|MM-1580 = In the FHIR profile gp-DiagnosticResult, added guidance for the use of NHG Table 45 on Observation.value[x].
|MM-1578 = Added guidance to the FHIR IG on the URI's that should be used for code systems, and where they can be found.
|MM-1578 = Added guidance to the FHIR IG on the URI's that should be used for code systems, and where they can be found.
|MM-1571 = In the nl-core-contactpoint instances of the AllergyIntolerance qualification materials, the old extension code-specification was still used instead of the zib-ContactInformation-TelecomType extension. This has been corrected in all Practitioner, Patient en Organization resource. 
|MM-1571 = In the nl-core-contactpoint instances of the AllergyIntolerance qualification materials, the old extension code-specification was still used instead of the zib-ContactInformation-TelecomType extension. This has been corrected in all Practitioner, Patient en Organization resource.  
|MM-1566 = The IG page for error handling examples has been moved from the "MedMij" wiki namespace to the "FHIR" namespace, in accordance to the IG page itself.
|MM-1566 = The IG page for error handling examples has been moved from the "MedMij" wiki namespace to the "FHIR" namespace, in accordance to the IG page itself.
|MM-1560 = De test met betrekking tot de zib GezinssituatieKind is verwijderd uit het kwalificatiemateriaal van BgGGZ.
|MM-1560 = De test met betrekking tot de zib GezinssituatieKind is verwijderd uit het kwalificatiemateriaal van BgGGZ.
Regel 89: Regel 106:
|MM-1248 = The reference on .extension:ConcernReference in the HCIM Alert profile is unconstrained, leading to unclarity on what resource types can be expected. A comment has been added to explain this.
|MM-1248 = The reference on .extension:ConcernReference in the HCIM Alert profile is unconstrained, leading to unclarity on what resource types can be expected. A comment has been added to explain this.
|MM-1228 = Removed inline examples in TO of PDF/A and replaced them with links to simplifier examples.
|MM-1228 = Removed inline examples in TO of PDF/A and replaced them with links to simplifier examples.
|MM-1227 = ART-DECOR publicatie - dubbel element verwijderd. Zorgaanbieder is nu enkel nog aanwezig als onderdeel (child) van zorgverlener.
|MM-1220 = De leesbaarheid van de kwalificatiepagina is vergroot. Hierbij zijn de procedurele eisen opgeschreven en is de FAQ toegevoegd.  
|MM-1220 = De leesbaarheid van de kwalificatiepagina is vergroot. Hierbij zijn de procedurele eisen opgeschreven en is de FAQ toegevoegd.  
|MM-1207 = Added syntax highlighting to XML code on wiki pages.
|MM-1207 = Added syntax highlighting to XML code on wiki pages.
|MM-1204 = In the zib-BloodPressure profile, the slices for diastolic and systolic pressure have been made required.
|MM-1204 = In the zib-BloodPressure profile, the slices for diastolic and systolic pressure have been made required.
|MM-1198 = ART-DECOR publicatie - specialisme toegevoegd aan dataset/transacties vragenlijsten (was al onderdeel kwalificatiemateriaal).
|MM-1191 = ART-DECOR publicatie - dataset onderdeel QuestionnaireItem: element namen van groupText-renderingStyle /xhtml gecorrigeerd naar text-renderingStyle/xhtml.
|MM-1188 = ART-DECOR publicatie - dataset velden (experimental, purpose, subjectType, questionnaireItem/repeats) nu ook zichtbaar in transactie vragenlijsten beschikbaarstellen.
|MM-1177 = The information standard specific artifacts for MedicationProcess, eAfspraak, Images and BgZ have been split out from the main project/package and put into separate projects/packages.
|MM-1177 = The information standard specific artifacts for MedicationProcess, eAfspraak, Images and BgZ have been split out from the main project/package and put into separate projects/packages.
|MM-1175 = Added a comment in the nl-core-address profile at Address.use.extension:AD_use to signal a known issue.
|MM-1175 = Added a comment in the nl-core-address profile at Address.use.extension:AD_use to signal a known issue.
Regel 99: Regel 120:
|MM-1165 = To aid in a simpler HCIM mapping, the code-specification extensions on the .system and .use element in the nl-core-contactpoint profile where removed and replaced by one new extension: TelecomType. The usage of this extension and the corresponding mapping are added to the profile definition. Also changed the obsolete HCIM term 'TelecomSoort' in the profile and ConceptMaps to the now used 'TelecomType'.
|MM-1165 = To aid in a simpler HCIM mapping, the code-specification extensions on the .system and .use element in the nl-core-contactpoint profile where removed and replaced by one new extension: TelecomType. The usage of this extension and the corresponding mapping are added to the profile definition. Also changed the obsolete HCIM term 'TelecomSoort' in the profile and ConceptMaps to the now used 'TelecomType'.
|MM-1155 = In nl-core-address, changed the slicing logic to enable support for both GBA and ISO land codes.
|MM-1155 = In nl-core-address, changed the slicing logic to enable support for both GBA and ISO land codes.
|MM-1122 = Added zib-LifeStance extension to nl-core-patient profile, leading to a new minor version.
|MM-1121 = Change the profile requirement for the PDF retrieve use case from the IHE profiles to the profiles adapted by Nictiz to fix slicing issues.
|MM-1121 = Change the profile requirement for the PDF retrieve use case from the IHE profiles to the profiles adapted by Nictiz to fix slicing issues.
|MM-1119 = De herleidbaarheid van gegevens (data-elementen) wordt expliciet benoemd en een expliciet onderdeel van kwalificatie.
|MM-1119 = De herleidbaarheid van gegevens (data-elementen) wordt expliciet benoemd en een expliciet onderdeel van kwalificatie.
Regel 109: Regel 131:
|MM-1094 = Removed the retired 'zib-Appointment' profile in favor of 'eAfspraak-Appointment' in the BgZ CapabilityStatements. Added documentation about the use of the eAfspraak Appointment profile in combination with HCIM PlannedCareActivityForTransfer to the BgZ FHIR IG. Polished some HCIM terminology in the BgZ FHIR IG.
|MM-1094 = Removed the retired 'zib-Appointment' profile in favor of 'eAfspraak-Appointment' in the BgZ CapabilityStatements. Added documentation about the use of the eAfspraak Appointment profile in combination with HCIM PlannedCareActivityForTransfer to the BgZ FHIR IG. Polished some HCIM terminology in the BgZ FHIR IG.
|MM-1092 = An extra scenario is added for SelfMeasurements MedMij qualification. This scenario adds PHR and XIS testscripts with a search on Observation resources with category 'vital signs'.
|MM-1092 = An extra scenario is added for SelfMeasurements MedMij qualification. This scenario adds PHR and XIS testscripts with a search on Observation resources with category 'vital signs'.
|MM-1091 = Pre-adopt of the R4 reasonReference element as DeviceUseStatement extension reasonReference, applied in zib-MedicalDevice.
|MM-1090 = The AD_use extension was incorrectly used on the .use element instead of the root of the profile. The extension was replaced by a custom extension named AddressType, for a simpler and more complete mapping mechanism for HCIM AddressInformation.
|MM-1090 = The AD_use extension was incorrectly used on the .use element instead of the root of the profile. The extension was replaced by a custom extension named AddressType, for a simpler and more complete mapping mechanism for HCIM AddressInformation.
|MM-1085 = To aim for a more general approach in the Questionnaires information standard, textual changes were made in the Questionnaires profiles, README and the Simplifier project so that they no longer state 'MedMij' and 'Nictiz situation'.
|MM-1085 = To aim for a more general approach in the Questionnaires information standard, textual changes were made in the Questionnaires profiles, README and the Simplifier project so that they no longer state 'MedMij' and 'Nictiz situation'.

Versie van 30 mrt 2021 08:44

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