MedMij FHIR use case BgZ 2017

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Patient Summary (BgZ)


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The program ‘Registratie aan de bron’ (Data capture at the point of Care) has defined Health and Care Information models (HCIMs (English) or ZIBs (Dutch)) for The Netherlands. Next to these HCIMs, the program ‘Registratie aan de bron’ also made a selection of these HCIMs into the so-called ‘Basisgegevensset Zorg’ (Common Clinical Dataset, a Dutch version of a ‘patient summary’, further referred to as ‘BgZ’). The BgZ serves as a minimal healthcare dataset that is always appropriate for caregivers in order to provide continuity of care for a patient and can be seen as a representation of a patient summary.

A subselection of the published HCIMs release 2017 constitute the BgZ 2017. The BgZ makes a subselection of the information concepts within the HCIMs or restricts the HCIMs to a certain category. For example, only include the general practitioner of the patient or only the last known value of 'X'. MedMij created FHIR profiles that represent these HCIMs completely if no existing and usable profiles were available. The profiles represent their entire respective HCIM, to make them applicable in a broader context than a patient summary or even the MedMij context. An overview of the profiles can be found at the list of StructureDefinitions.

The patient journey of Thomas van Beek, provides a patients context for exchanging a patient summary from a healthcare provider's system (XIS) to a personal health record (PHR). MedMij created a functional design of the BgZ use case. This use case consists of enabling a patient to view his own BgZ in a PHR. This page will elaborate further on the HL7 FHIR details needed to exchange the BgZ information using FHIR.

Actors involved

Actors Systems FHIR Capability Statements
Name Description Name Description Name Description
Patient The user of a personal healthcare enviorment. PHR Personal health record Verwijzing.png CapabilityStatement: Client FHIR Client requirements
Healthcare professional The user of a XIS XIS Healthcare information system Verwijzing.png CapabilityStatement: Server FHIR Server requirements

Boundaries and Relationships

The BgZ 2017 use case follows the BgZ 1.0 use case. The difference between the two is the underlying HCIMs, which have been upgraded from release 2015 to release 2017.

Release notes can be found here:

The BgZ use case has similarities and differences with other use cases such as Medication Process, Vital Signs and Lab Results. These use cases use the same HCIM based FHIR profiles for exchanging information. The BgZ use case covers practically all profiles included in the other use cases. However, the BgZ differs in the scope of the actual health information content that should be exchanged. For example, the BgZ conveys only the last known lab result of each type while the Lab Results use case may cover all known information.

List of invocations

Go to Afsprakenstelsel

This FHIR implementation guide assumes that the PHR system is able to make a connection to the XIS that contains the patients BgZ information. It does not provide information on finding the right XIS nor does it provide information about security. These infrastructure and interface specifications are described in the 'Afsprakenstelsel'.

Client - PHR

The PHR system requests the BgZ using individual search interactions. The BgZ consists of multiple FHIR resources with certain constraints. To obtain the patient's BgZ, the client can use multiple individual search operations based on specified search queries. The interaction can be performed by an HTTP GET or command as shown:

GET [base]/[type]/{?[parameters]{&_format=[mime-type]}}

The table below shows in the first four columns the BgZ sections, the HCIMs that constitute those sections and the specific content of the BgZ. The last column shows the FHIR search queries to obtain the BgZ information. These queries are based on StructureDefinitions listed in this section.

Each query is performed in the context of a specific authenticated patient, for which an OAuth2 token has been retrieved using the Authentication mechanisms described in the 'Afsprakenstelsel'. This token must be passed in each call in the HTTP header named “Authorization”. Each XIS Gateway is required to perform filtering based on the patient associated with the OAuth2 token received for the request, so that only the records associated with the authenticated patient are returned. Therefore, no search parameters should be passed for patient identification.

# BgZ Section HCIM EN Content Example Search URL
1 Patient information Patient Identification, birthdate, gender, deceasedindicator, contact details, marital status, and general practitioner (practitioner or organization)
GET [base]/Patient?_include=Patient:general-practitioner
2 Payment details Payer Insurance information
GET [base]/Coverage?_include=Coverage:payor:Patient&_include=Coverage:payor:Organization
3 Treatment Directives TreatmentDirective Known treatment directives
GET [base]/Consent?category=|11291000146105
Advance directive Known advance directives
GET [base]/Consent?category=|11341000146107
4 Contactperson Contact First relation/contact
see Patient
5 Functional status FunctionalOrMentalStatus Last known functional / mental status
GET [base]/Observation$lastn?category=|118228005,|364644000
6 Problems Concern All known problems.
GET [base]/Condition
7 Social history LivingSituation Current living situation
GET [base]/Observation/$lastn?code=|365508006
DrugUse All known drug use
GET [base]/Observation?code=|228366006
AlcoholUse All known alcohol use
GET [base]/Observation?code=|228273003
TobaccoUse All known tobacco use
GET [base]/Observation?code=|365980008
NutritionAdvice All known current dietary recommendations
GET [base]/NutritionOrder?status=active
8 Alerts Alert All known alerts
GET [base]/Flag
9 Allergies AllergyIntolerance All known information regarding allergies
GET [base]/AllergyIntolerance
10 Medication MedicationUse Known medication use
GET [base]/MedicationStatement?category=urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.|6&_include=MedicationStatement:medication
MedicationAgreement Known medication agreements
GET [base]/MedicationRequest?category=|16076005&_include=MedicationRequest:medication
AdministrationAgreement Known administration agreements
GET [base]/MedicationDispense?category=|422037009&_include=MedicationDispense:medication
11 Medical aids MedicalAid All known medicalaids
GET [base]/DeviceUseStatement?_include=DeviceUseStatement:device
12 Vaccinations Vaccination All known vaccinations
GET [base]/Immunization?status=completed
13 Vital signs BloodPressure Last known bloodpressure
GET [base]/Observation/$lastn?code=|85354-9
BodyWeight Last known body weight
GET [base]/Observation/$lastn?code=|29463-7
BodyHeight Last known body height
GET [base]/Observation/$lastn?code=|8302-2,|8306-3,|8308-9
14 Results LaboratoryTestResult Last known laboratory results per type
GET [base]/Observation/$lastn?category=|275711006&_include=Observation:related-target&_include=Observation:specimen
15 Procedures Procedure All surgical procedures
GET [base]/Procedure?category=|387713003
16 Encounters Contact All hospital admissions (no outpatient contacts)
GET [base]/Encounter?class=|IMP,|ACUTE,|NONAC
17 Planned care PlannedCareActivity All known planned care activities
GET [base]/ProcedureRequest?status=active
GET [base]/ImmunizationRecommendation
GET [base]/MedicationDispense?category=|422037009&status=in-progress,preparation&_include=MedicationDispense:medication
GET [base]/DeviceRequest?status=active_include=DeviceRequest:device
GET [base]/Appointment?status=booked,pending,proposed
18 General practitioner HealthProfessional General Practitioner of the patient
see Patient

Server - XIS

Important sections of the FHIR specification for a server in this use case are the RESTful API section the search section and operation section (for the nlast operation).

Response to resource requests

If the search succeeds, the server SHALL return a 200 OK HTTP status code and the returned content SHALL be a Bundle with type = searchset containing the results of the search as a collection of zero or more resources in a defined order. The returned content should conform to the StructureDefinition applicable for the specific HCIM request. The list of a StructureDefinitions relevant for this use case is shown in the following paragraph: List of StructureDefinitions

The result collection can be long, so servers may use paging. If they do, they SHALL use the method described below (adapted from RFC 5005 (Feed Paging and Archiving ) for breaking the collection into pages if appropriate. The server MAY also return an OperationOutcome resource within the searchset Bundle entries that contains additional information about the search; if one is sent it SHALL NOT include any issues with a fatal or error severity, and it SHALL be marked with a of outcome.

In order to allow the client to be confident about what search parameters were used as criteria by the server, the server SHALL return the parameters that were actually used to process the search. Applications processing search results SHALL check these returned values where necessary. For example, if the server did not support some of the filters specified in the search, a client might manually apply those filters to the retrieved result set, display a warning message to the user or take some other action.

In the case of a RESTful search, these parameters are encoded in the self-link in the bundle that is returned:

    <relation value="self"/>
    <url value="[Patient-ID]/>

Link to the relevant FHIR specification:

Handling errors

If the search fails (cannot be executed, not that there are no matches), the return value is a status code 4xx or 5xx with an OperationOutcome. An HTTP status code of 403 signifies that the server refused to perform the search, while other 4xx and 5xx codes signify that some sort of error has occurred. The HTTP status code 404 is returned if a XIS did not implement an endpoint used in a request by a PHR. When the search fails, a server SHOULD return an OperationOutcome detailing the cause of the failure. For example, in case of a not implemented FHIR endpoint, the OperationOutcome would state that the resource type is not supported. Note: an empty search result is not a failure.

Common HTTP Status codes returned on FHIR-related errors (in addition to normal HTTP errors related to security, header and content type negotiation issues):

  • 400 Bad Request - search could not be processed or failed basic FHIR validation rules
  • 401 Not Authorized - authorization is required for the interaction that was attempted
  • 404 Not Found - resource type not supported, or not a FHIR end-point

In some cases, parameters may cause an error. For instance:

  • A parameter may refer to a non-existent resource e.g. GET [base]/Observation?subject=101, where "101" does not exist
  • A parameter may refer to an unknown code e.g. GET [base]/Observation?code=loinc|1234-1, where the LOINC code "1234-1" is not known to the server
  • A parameter may refer to a time that is out of scope e.g. GET [base]/Condition?onset=le1995, where the system only has data going back to 2001
  • A parameter may use an illegal or unacceptable modifier e.g. GET [base]/Condition?onset:text=1995, where the modifier cannot be processed by the server
  • A data time parameter may have incorrect format e.g. GET [base]/Condition?onset=23%20May%202009
  • A parameter may be unknown or unsupported

Where the content of the parameter is syntactically incorrect, servers SHOULD return an error. However, where the issue is a logical condition (e.g. unknown subject or code), the server SHOULD process the search, including processing the parameter - with the result of returning an empty search set, since the parameter cannot be satisfied.

In such cases, the search process MAY include an OperationOutcome in the search set that contains additional hints and warnings about the search process. This is included in the search results as an entry with search mode = outcome. Clients can use this information to improve future searches.

Link to relevant FHIR specification:

Interactions, operations, search parameters


The following logical interactions are needed for the BgZ use case:


The following operation is needed to support this use case.

The lastn query meets the common need for searching for the most recent or last n=number of observations for a subject. For example, retrieving the last 5 temperatures for a patient to view trends or fetching the most recent laboratory results or vital signs. The link will provide more detailed information and examples regarding this operation.

Search parameters

The following search parameter types and search result parameters need to be supported for this use case.

Search parameter types:

Search result parameters:

List of StructureDefinitions

The profiles represent their entire respective HCIM, to make them applicable in a broader context than the exchange of BgZ or a MedMij context. An example of reuse of existing profiles are those of the patient administration resources and vital signs.

Section ZIB NL HCIM EN FHIR Resource FHIR Profile
01 Patient Patient Patient
02 Betaler Payer Coverage
03 BehandelAanwijzing TreatmentDirective Consent
Wilsverklaring AdvanceDirective Consent
04 Contactpersoon Contact RelatedPerson
05 Funct. OfMentaleStatus FunctionalOrMentalStatus Observation
06 Probleem Problem Condition
07 Woonsituatie LivingSituation Observation
DrugsGebruik DrugUse Observation
AlcoholGebruik AlcoholUse Observation
TabakGebruik TobaccoUse Observation
Voedingsadvies NutritionAdvice NutritionOrder
08 Alert Alert Flag
09 AllergieIntolerantie AllergyIntolerance AllergyIntolerance
10 MedicatieGebruik MedicationUse MedicationStatement
MedicationAgreement MedicationRequest
AdministrationAgreement MedicationDispense
11 MedischHulpmiddel MedicalDevice Device
12 Vaccinatie Vaccination Immunization
13 Bloeddruk BloodPressure Observation
LichaamsGewicht BodyWeight Observation
LichaamsLengte BodyHeight Observation
14 LaboratoriumUitslag LaboratoryTestResult Observation
15 Verrichting Procedure Procedure
16 Contact Encounter Encounter
17 GeplandeZorgActiviteit PlannedCareActivity ProcedureRequest
18 Zorgverlener HealthProfessional Practitioner
Zorgaanbieder HealthcareProvider Organization

Terminology, NamingSystems, Mappings


Relevant value sets can be found here. All resources can be downloaded in a .zip in XML or JSON format. In the .zip, the value sets are stored in the directory 'value sets'.


Relevant NamingSystems can be found here.


Relevant HCIM to FHIR value set mappings can be found here. All profiles include HCIM mappings. HCIM concepts are mapped to the corresponding FHIR elements using the HCIMs concept id. The top of the StructureDefinition contains meta information regarding the HCIM mapping, such as the name and uri of the HCIM. In the StructureDefinition elements, the corresponding HCIM ID is given including the mapping meta information id. This is illustrated in the following example.

    <id value="nl-core-patient" />
        <identity value="hcim-patient-v3.1-2017EN"/>
        <uri value=""/>
        <name value="HCIM Patient-v3.1(2017EN)"/>
        <element id="">
            <path value="" />
            <short value="NameInformation" />
            <alias value="Naamgegevens" />
                <code value="HumanName" />
                <profile value="" />
                <identity value="hcim-patient-v3.1-2017EN"/>
                <map value="NL-CM:0.1.6"/>