BgZ CDA Implementation Guide

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1 Introduction


2 Actors involved

Persons Systems
Name Description Name Description
Referring medical specialist Medical specialist who sends a BgZ along with a referral EHR Electronic health record
Receiving medical specialist Medical specialist receives a BgZ along with a referral EHR Electronic health record

3 Use cases

4 Metadata

5 CDA templates

Section Titel Title CDA Template
0 BgZ Template CDA Basisgegevensset Zorg 2017 (BgZ)
1. Demografie en identificatie Demographics and identification
Patient Patient
2. Financiële informatie Financial information
Betaler Payer
3. Behandelrestricties Treatment Directives
BehandelAanwijzing TreatmentDirective
Wilsverklaring AdvanceDirective
4. Contactpersonen Contact persons
Contactpersoon ContactPerson
5. Functionele status Functional Status
Funct. OfMentaleStatus FunctionalOrMentalStatus
6. Klachten en diagnoses Complaints and diagnoses
Probleem Problem
7. Sociale anamnese Social anamnesis
Woonsituatie LivingSituation
DrugsGebruik DrugUse
AlcoholGebruik AlcoholUse
TabakGebruik TobaccoUse
Voedingsadvies NutritionAdvice
8. Waarschuwingen Alerts
Alert Alert
9. Allergieën Allergies
AllergieIntolerantie AllergyIntolerance
10. Medicatie Medication
MedicatieGebruik2 MedicationUse2
Medicatieafspraak MedicationAgreement
Toedieningsafspraak AdministrationAgreement
11. Medische hulpmiddelen Medical devices
MedischHulpmiddel MedicalDevice
12. Vaccinaties Immunizations
Vaccinatie Vaccination
13. Vitale functies Vital signs
Bloeddruk BloodPressure
LichaamsGewicht BodyWeight
LichaamsLengte BodyHeight
14. Uitslagen Results
LaboratoriumUitslag LaboratoryTestResult
15. Verrichtingen Procedures
Verrichting Procedure
16. Contacten Encounters
Contact Encounter
17. Zorgplan Care plan
OverdrachtGeplandeZorgActiviteit PlannedCareActivityForTransfer
18. Zorgverleners Health professionals
Zorgverlener HealthProfessional
Zorgaanbieder HealthcareProvider

6 Release notes