Gebz:V1.0 FHIR IG
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{{#customtitle:FHIR Implementation Guide Geboortezorg v2.3 | FHIR Implementation Guide Geboortezorg v2.3}}
This page details the HL7 FHIR requirements for exchanging the Geboortezorg v2.3 data described in Functioneel.
Use case: Register Prio1 data
The Register Prio1 transaction is used by the sending XIS to send the relevant data to the registry.
Transaction group | Transaction | Actor | Role |
Register Prio1(PUSH) | Register Prio1 | Healthcare professional (using a XIS) | Sends Prio1 data to registry |
Retrieve Prio1(PULL) | Querying XIS | Healthcare professional (using a XIS) | Retrieves Prio1 data from registry |
Sending XIS: request message
Trigger Events
Message Semantics
Because the data needed will most likely consist of multiple FHIR resources, a document Bundle is used.
The interaction is performed by an HTTP POST command as shown:
POST [base] {?_format=[mime-type]}
The body of the post submission is a Bundle with Bundle.type = document. The first entry contains a Composition resource, and each subsequent entry contains a resource that is referenced from the Composition resource. By sending it to the target's base, the document Bundle will be processed as a transaction and each Bundle.entry will be treated as a create interaction for the entry.resource.
Example FHIR resources can be found here: Birthcare FHIR examples
Example search URLs can be found in the list of StructureDefinitions below. Some searches require the implementation of custom search parameters. These parameters can be found here:
FHIR Resources and StructureDefinitions
Graphical overview
The following link Media:FHIR Geboortezorg Profielen Prio1 27-02-2020.png provides a graphical overview of the structure definitions and their relations.
Types of resources and relations between them
Name | FHIR resource | Description |
Woman (Vrouw) | Patient | The core of each pregnancy is the pregnant woman, a FHIR Patient. |
Generic resources | Practitioner, PractitionerRole, Organization | Those are not used differently than in other Dutch projects. |
Pregnancy, Pregnancy file (Zwangerschap, zwangerschapsdossier) | Condition, EpisodeOfCare | Each pregnancy is a Condition. It is also represented as an EpisodeOfCare for each involved Organization. The pregnancy includes references to an Organization and responsible Practitioner. (Practitioners responsible for the actual data may be included there, i.e. in Procedures, Observations.)
Patient-related Observations | Observation | Observations such as blood type pertain to the Patient.
Gebz:V2.3_FHIR_Recipes#bc-pregnancy-observation Pregnancy-related Observations | Observation | Observations such as gravidity and parity do not (only) pertain to the Patient but to a particular pregnancy.
Delivery (Bevalling) | Procedure | Delivery is modeled with Procedure (even for uncomplicated natural births for consistency). |
Obstetric Procedures | Procedure | Obstetric Procedures, such as vacuum delivery, are Procedures conducted as part of the Delivery Procedure.
Procedure-related Observations | Observation | Observations such as onset of labor or blood loss pertain to a delivery Procedure.
Child | Patient | Child is a separate Patient.
Child-related delivery Observations | Observation | Observations such as parturition type pertain to a delivery Procedure as well as a child (especially for multiple births). They are also about the mother, which still is the subject.
Child-related Observations | Observation | Observations such as Apgar score and birthweight pertain to the child Patient, which is the subject of these Observations.
The use of focus extensions is a pre-adopt of FHIR R4, where it is part of Observation: "What the observation is about, when it is not about the subject of record." Focus is required for all Observations which do not pertain to the Patient. In R4, use of focus permits "reverse include" queries (give me all Observations with focus element X). In STU3, this could be a custom search.
The use of context is encouraged for all resources which have a context element. It is a reference to an EpisodeOfCare or an Encounter. Context should point to an Encounter when appropriate (scheduled maternity checks etc.) and to the EpisodeOfCare in all other cases. Possibly it will be absent in Observations where the source is not birth care, so readers should not rely on it's presence.
List of StructureDefinitions
Name | PWD 2.3 id | FHIR Profile | FHIR Example | Example SEARCH URL |
Vrouw | bc-Woman (derived from nl-core-patient) | Patient | GET [base]/Patient/[vrouwid] | |
GET [base]/Patient?identifier=[bsn] | ||||
Zorgverlener | nl-core-practitioner | Practitioner | GET [base]/Practitioner/[zorgverlenerid] | |
GET [base]/Practitioner?identifier=[lvrid] | ||||
Zorginstelling | nl-core-organization | Organization | GET [base]/Organization/[zorginstellingid] | |
GET [base]/Organization?identifier=[lvrid] | ||||
Zorgverlenerrol | nl-core-practitionerrole | Patient | GET [base]/PractitionerRole/[zorgverlenerrolid] | |
GET [base]/PractitionerRole?practitioner:Practitioner.identifier=[lvrid] | ||||
Zwangerschapsdossier | bc-MaternalRecord | EpisodeOfCare | GET [base]/EpisodeOfCare/[dossierid] | |
GET [base]/Observation,Condition,Procedure?eoc=[dossierid] | ||||
GET [base]/Observation,Condition,Procedure?eoc:EpisodeOfCare.condition:Condition.clinical-status=active | ||||
Zwangerschap | peri23-dataelement-3 | zib-Pregnancy | Condition | GET [base]/Condition/[zwangerschapid] |
GET [base]/Condition?clinicalstatus=active | ||||
GET [base]/Condition?clinicalstatus=inactive&_sort=_-id&_count=1 | ||||
GET [base]/Condition?subject=[patientid]&_revinclude=Observation:focus | ||||
Bloedgroep vrouw | peri23-dataelement-10810 | zib-LaboratoryTestResult-Observation | Observation | GET [base]/Observation?code=883-9{&subject=[vrouwid]&eoc=[dossierid]} |
Rhesus D Factor vrouw | peri23-dataelement-10811 | zib-LaboratoryTestResult-Observation | Observation | GET [base]/Observation?code=1305-2{&subject=[vrouwid]&eoc=[dossierid]} |
Rhesus c Factor | peri23-dataelement-10816 | zib-LaboratoryTestResult-Observation | Observation | GET [base]/Observation?code=1159-3{&subject=[vrouwid]&eoc=[dossierid]} |
Hb waarde | peri23-dataelement-10814 | zib-LaboratoryTestResult-Observation | Observation | GET [base]/Observation?code=718-7{&subject=[vrouwid]&eoc=[dossierid]} |
A terme datum | peri23-dataelement-20030 | zib-Pregnancy-DueDate | Observation | GET [base]/Observation?code=11778-8{&subject=[vrouwid]&eoc=[dossierid]&focus=[zwangerschapid]} |
Graviditeit | peri23-dataelement-20010 | zib-Pregnancy-Gravidity | Observation | GET [base]/Observation?code=11996-6{&subject=[vrouwid]&eoc=[dossierid]&focus=[zwangerschapid]} |
Pariteit | peri23-dataelement-20150 | zib-Pregnancy-Parity | Observation | GET [base]/Observation?code=11977-6{&subject=[vrouwid]&eoc=[dossierid]&focus=[zwangerschapid]} |
Wijze einde zwangerschap | peri23-dataelement-80625 | bc-Pregnancy-EndType | Observation | GET [base]/Observation?code=EindeZw{&subject=[vrouwid]&eoc=[dossierid]&focus=[zwangerschapid]} |
Datum einde zwangerschap | peri23-dataelement-20540 | bc-Pregnancy-EndDate | Observation | GET [base]/Observation?code=xxx{&subject=[vrouwid]&eoc=[dossierid]&focus=[zwangerschapid]} |
Zwangerschapsduur | peri23-dataelement-20062 | zib-Pregnancy-Duration | GET [base]/Observation?code=57036006{&subject=[vrouwid]&eoc=[dossierid]&focus=[zwangerschapid]} | |
Bevalling | peri23-dataelement-6 | bc-DeliveryProcedure | Procedure | GET [base]/Procedure?code=236973005{&subject=[vrouwid]&eoc=[dossierid]&reasonReference=[zwangerschapid]} |
Ontsluitingsfase, uitdrijvingsfase, nageboortefase | peri23-dataelement-6 | bc-Delivery-StageOfLabor | Observation | GET [base]/Observation?code=6893006,42857002,15898009{&subject=[vrouwid]&eoc=[dossierid]&partof=[bevallingid]&focus=[kindid]} |
Tijdstip begin actieve ontsluiting | peri23-dataelement-20590 | bc-OnsetOfLaborFirstStage | Observation | GET [base]/Observation?code=249120008{&subject=[vrouwid]&eoc=[dossierid]&focus=[ontsluitingsfaseid]} |
Tijdstip actief meepersen | peri23-dataelement-30030 | bc-OnsetOfPushing | Observation | GET [base]/Observation?code=249163006{&subject=[vrouwid]&eoc=[dossierid]&focus=[uitdrijvingsfaseid]} |
Type partus | peri23-dataelement-80626 | bc-ParturitionType | Observation | GET [base]/Observation?code=364336006{&subject=[vrouwid]&eoc=[dossierid]&focus=[uitdrijvingsfaseid]} |
Hoeveelheid bloedverlies | peri23-dataelement-20640 | bc-BloodLoss | Observation | GET [base]/Observation?code=64332008{&subject=[vrouwid]&eoc=[dossierid]&focus=[uitdrijvingsfaseid]} |
Vaginale kunstverlossing | peri23-dataelement-40190 | bc-ObstetricProcedure | Procedure | GET [base]/Procedure?code=3311000146109{&subject=[vrouwid]&eoc=[dossierid]&partof=[bevallingid,uitdrijvingsfaseid]} |
Conditie perineum postpartum | peri23-dataelement-80673 | bc-StatePerineumPostPartum | Observation | GET [base]/Observation?code=364297003{&subject=[vrouwid]&eoc=[dossierid]&focus=[nageboortefaseid]} |
Kind | bc-Child (of nl-core-patient) | Patient | GET [base]/Patient/[kindid] | |
Geboortedatum | peri23-dataelement-40050 | bc-Child (of nl-core-patient) | Patient.birthdate | GET [base]/Patient/[kindid] |
Apgarscore na 5 min. | peri23-dataelement-40071 | zib-ApgarScore | Observation | GET [base]/Observation?code=9274-2{&subject=[kindid]&eoc=[dossierid]} |
Geboortegewicht | peri23-dataelement-40060 | zib-BodyWeight | Observation | GET [base]/Observation?code=29463-7{&subject=[kindid]&eoc=[dossierid]} |
Terminology, NamingSystems, Mappings
Relevant value sets can be found here. All resources can be downloaded in a .zip in XML or JSON format. In the .zip, the value sets are stored in the directory 'value sets'.