Zandbak van Mariette

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1 Opmaak

geel highlighten tekst

2 Switch test

Pageid: 9688
subpagename: Zandbak/Mariette

text switch on pageid: zandbak pagina M tekst

3 [Show/hide] Collapsible section

Documentatie over collapsible tekstelementen: Manual:Collapsible_elements

<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"> This text is not collapsible; but the next is collapsible and hidden by default: <div class="mw-collapsible-content">{{Lorem}}</div> </div>

4 Collapsible section var.2 [hide/show data]

deze tekst staat default open maar kan met collapse dicht gezet.

5 Labeled Sections tbv transclude

this is a chapter 1

this is a chapter 2

6 testtitel

more text for chapter 1

7 Transclude van chapter 1

this is a chapter 1

8 testtitel

more text for chapter 1