Gebz:V1.0 FHIR IG bc-DisorderOfPregnancy

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This is a generic profile for conditions related to a pregnancy.

Each bc-DisorderOfPregnancy must have:

  • a code, specifying the condition
  • a subject, the pregnant woman
  • performer should be provided if known (this may not always be the case for historical data). performer is the responsible care professional.

Each bc-DisorderOfPregnancy may have:

  • a reference to the Pregnancy Condition (the focus of the Observation). The preferred option for birthcare systems is to include this, but this cannot be guaranteed for external data (such as BGZ).


The entire profile can be found at: |bc-DisorderOfPregnancy


This is a patten for pregnancy-related Conditions in Birthcare. Note that the meta.profile element should preferably include bc-DisorderOfPregnancy. Again, this may be the case for BGZ.

All FHIR instances which follow this pattern will be valid Pregnancy disorder. Other fields from the FHIR profile may be present: this description is a minimal representation.


XML fragment

This is a recipe for pregnancy-related disorders in Birthcare. Note that the meta.profile element should preferably be bc-DisorderOfPregnancy.

<Condition xmlns="">
    <id value="[[a unique id]]"/>
        <profile value=""/>
    <extension url="">
            <reference value="[[reference to the pregnancy | Condition/wouden-zwanger1]]" />
    [[# clinicalStatus is optional, only when known ]]
    <clinicalStatus value="[[active | recurrence | inactive | remission | resolved]]"/> 
    [[/ clinicalStatus ]]
            <system value="[[system, preferably from |]]"/> 
            <code value="[[code, to be taken from the relevant valuesets in ART-DECOR | 235888006"/> 
            <display value="[[display | Cholestasis of pregnancy (disorder)]]"/> 
        <reference value="[[reference to the Mother Patient | Patient/XXX-VDWOUDEN" />
        <display value="[[display of reference | Patient van der Wouden]]" />
        <reference value="[[reference to the EpisodeOfCare | EpisodeOfCare/wouden-dossier-zwanger1]]"/>

Valuation table

The FHIR profiles are independent of dataset versions, the mappings are not. Mappings for 3.1 and 3.2 will follow.

(The values in column 'Code' can be found on Simplifier as a binding on the code on this profile.)

Dataset 2.3 mappings

PWD 2.3 to FHIR
Type # Concept System Code Display FHIR element ValueSet
82509 Gynaecologische aandoening code Gynaecologische aandoeningen
82510 Bloedverlies? 131148009 Bleeding (finding) code
82511 Partiële mola? urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883. MolaPartieelIntacteZw Partiële mola met intacte zwangerschap code
82512 Cervixinsufficiëntie? 17382005 Cervical incompetence (disorder) code
82513 Infectie code Infectie
82514 Hyperemesis gravidarum? 14094001 Excessive vomiting in pregnancy (disorder) code
82515 Hypertensieve aandoening code Hypertensieve aandoening
82516 Zwangerschapscholestase? 235888006 Cholestasis of pregnancy (disorder) code
82517 Diabetes gravidarum met insuline? 46894009 Gestational diabetes mellitus, class A>2< (disorder) code
82518 Afwijkende groei foetus code Groei afwijkend
82519 Dreigende partus immaturus? urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883. PartusImmaturusDreig Partus immaturus - dreigend code
82520 Dreigende partus prematurus? urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883. PartusPrematurusDreig Partus prematurus - dreigend code
82521 Abruptio placentae? 415105001 Placental abruption (disorder) code
82522 Navelstrengprolaps? 270500004 Prolapsed cord (disorder) code
82523 Liggingsafwijking code Ligging (afwijkend)
82268 Diagnose 439401001 Diagnosis (observable entity) code
82272    Datum assertedDate
82269 Gynaecologische aandoening code Gynaecologische aandoeningen
82270 Bloedverlies? 131148009 Bleeding (finding) code
82286 Partiële mola? urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883. MolaPartieelIntacteZw Partiële mola met intacte zwangerschap code
82271 Cervixinsufficiëntie? 17382005 Cervical incompetence (disorder) code
82273 Infectie code Infectie
82274 Hyperemesis gravidarum? 14094001 Excessive vomiting in pregnancy (disorder) code
82275 Hypertensieve aandoening code Hypertensieve aandoening
82276 Zwangerschapscholestase? 235888006 Cholestasis of pregnancy (disorder) code
82277 Diabetes gravidarum met insuline? 46894009 Gestational diabetes mellitus, class A>2< (disorder) code
82278 Afwijkende groei foetus code Groei afwijkend
82279 Dreigende partus immaturus? urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883. PartusImmaturusDreig Partus immaturus - dreigend code
82280 Dreigende partus prematurus? urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883. PartusPrematurusDreig Partus prematurus - dreigend code
82289 Abruptio placentae? 415105001 Placental abruption (disorder) code
82452 Navelstrengprolaps? 270500004 Prolapsed cord (disorder) code
82380 Liggingsafwijking code Ligging (afwijkend)