vpk:V3.1 FHIR eOverdracht Proeftuin

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{{#customtitle:FHIR Implementation guide Proeftuinen eOverdracht v3.1 (InZicht)}}


This page details the HL7 FHIR requirements for exchanging the data in the Verpleegkundige eOverdracht Proeftuin pilot described in this functional design.

Implementation of these transactions is spread over multiple phases. Phase one consists of the implementation of four HCIMs for both the Aanmeldbericht and the Overdrachtsbericht. The remaining information from eOverdracht may be sent unstructured in a PDF file.

Use case: Aanmeldbericht


The Send Aanmeldbericht scenario is used by the sending XIS to send the relevant data for the patient intake to the receiving XIS, and constitutes a subset of the Overdrachtsbericht. The structure of the eventual scenario is described in the functional design and additionally in Opbouw eOverdracht aanmelding. For the pilot a limited subset is implemented.

Actors and transactions

Actor Role Transaction
Healthcare professional Initiates sending of aanmeldbericht from the sending XIS to the receiving XIS
Sending XIS Sends signup message to the receiving XIS Send Aanmeldbericht
Receiving XIS Acknowledges the signup message with sending XIS Aanmeldbericht response

Structure of the Aanmeldbericht

The Aanmeldbericht consists of multiple FHIR resources, which are assembled into a FHIR Bundle. The table below lists the FHIR StructureDefinitions that are applicable for the pilot implementation of the 'Aanmeldbericht' transactions.

FHIR profile FHIR resource HCIM name HCIM version Remarks
eOverdrachtAanmeldbericht-phase-one Composition - - Only applicable to the Send Aanmeldbericht transaction
nl-core-patient Patient Patient v3.1(2017NL) -
zib-Payer Coverage Betaler v3.1(2017NL) -
nl-core-organization Organization Zorgaanbieder v3.1.1(2017NL) -
nl-core-practitioner Practitioner Zorgverlener v3.2(2017NL)
nl-core-practitionerrole PractitionerRole
- Binary - - Can be used to send unstructured PDF data.


Send Aanmeldbericht (PUSH)

Trigger events

This transaction is invoked when the XIS needs to send the Aanmeldbericht to the receiving XIS.

Message Semantics

The Aanmeldbericht is sent as a FHIR Document. To create this document, a FHIR Composition resource should be created according to the eOverdrachtAanmeldbericht-phase-one profile. This Composition resource references each of the relevant resources included in the Aanmeldbericht. The Composition resource and the relevant resources are subsequently assembed into a FHIR Bundle resource which Bundle.type set to document. The Composition resource should be the first entry in the Bundle.

For the Bundle, the following rules apply:

  • The Bundle resource SHALL include all the resources listed as described in Structure of the Aanmeldbericht, each in a separate Bundle.entry.
  • The resources in the message SHALL be a valid instances of these profiles listed in Structure of the Aanmeldbericht
  • All resources SHALL include their related profile canonical URL in the meta.profile element in order to show compliance.
  • The Bundle (MAY/SHOULD??) include the resources that are linked from the included resources

The Send Aanmeldbericht transaction is an HTTP POST method on the target XIS's base:

POST [base] {?_format=[mime-type]}

where the body of the POST request is the assembled Bundle.

Expected actions

The document Bundle should be processed as a transaction by the receiving XIS and each Bundle.entry should be treated as a create interaction for the Bundle.entry.resource.

When the resource syntax or data is incorrect or invalid and cannot be used to create a new resource, or when the server rejects the content of the resource because of business rules, it should perform a rollback of the creation of any previous entries and send the appropriate response (see below).

Aanmeldbericht response (PUSH)

Trigger events

The target XIS completed processing of the Send Aanmeldbericht transaction.

Message semantics

The target XIS responds to the Send Aanmeldbericht transaction with an HTTP Response, where:

  • The status code SHALL be set appropriate to the processing outcome. When the resource syntax or data is incorrect or invalid, and cannot be used to create a new resource, the server returns a 400 Bad Request HTTP status code. When the server rejects the content of the resource because of business rules, the server returns a 422 Unprocessable Entity error HTTP status code. Additional HTTP status code may be used if more appropriate.
  • On success, the response body SHALL be set to a FHIR Bundle resource containing one entry for each entry in the request, in the same order, with the outcome of processing the entry.
  • On failure, the response body SHOULD be set to a FHIR OperationOutcome resource with detailed error messages describing the reason for the error, and perform a rollback of the creation of any previous entries.

A client may use the returned Bundle to track the outcomes of processing the entry, and the identities assigned to the resources by the server. Each entry element SHALL contain a response element which details the outcome of processing the entry - the HTTP status code, and the location and ETag header values, which are used for identifying and versioning the resources. In addition, a resource may be included in the entry, as specified by the Prefer header.


Use case: Overdrachtsbericht


During the pilot, the transfer information is based on a subset of the Overdrachtsbericht Volwassenen (transfer message for adults). Phase one consists of the implementation of four HCIMs. The remaining information from eOverdracht may be sent unstructured in a PDF file.

Actors and transactions

Actor Role Transaction
Sending XIS Sends transfer message to the receiving XIS Send Overdrachtsbericht
Receiving XIS Acknowledges transfer message to sending XIS Overdrachtsbericht response

Structure of the Overdrachtbericht phase 1: 4 HCIMs + PDF

The Overdrachtsbericht consists of multiple FHIR resources, which are assembled into a FHIR Bundle. The table below lists the FHIR StructureDefinitions that are applicable for the pilot implementation of the 'Overdrachtsbericht' transactions. During phase 1, the Overdrachtsbericht is based on the same 4 HCIMs as the aanmeldbericht (Patient, Betaler, Zorgaanbieder, Zorgverlener).

FHIR profile FHIR resource HCIM name HCIM version Remarks
eOverdracht-OverdrachtsberichtVolwassenen-phase-one Composition - - Only applicable to the Send Aanmeldbericht transaction
nl-core-patient Patient Patient v3.1(2017NL) -
zib-Payer Coverage Betaler v3.1(2017NL) -
nl-core-organization Organization Zorgaanbieder v3.1.1(2017NL) -
nl-core-practitioner Practitioner Zorgverlener v3.2(2017NL)
nl-core-practitionerrole PractitionerRole
- Binary - - Can be used to send unstructured PDF data.

Structure of the Overdrachtbericht phase 2: 15 HCIMs + PDF



Send Aanmeldbericht (PUSH)

Trigger events


Message Semantics

The Overdrachtsbericht is sent as a FHIR Document. To create this document, a FHIR Composition resource should be created according to the eOverdracht-OverdrachtsberichtVolwassenen-phase-one profile. This Composition resource references each of the resources included in the Overdrachtsbericht. The Composition resource and the relevant resources are subsequently assembed into a FHIR Bundle resource which Bundle.type set to document. The Composition resource should be the first entry in the Bundle.

For the Bundle, the following rules apply:

The Send Aanmeldbericht transaction is an HTTP POST method on the target XIS's base:

POST [base] {?_format=[mime-type]}

where the body of the POST request is the assembled Bundle.

Expected actions

The document Bundle should be processed as a transaction by the receiving XIS and each Bundle.entry should be treated as a create interaction for the Bundle.entry.resource. When the resource syntax or data is incorrect or invalid and cannot be used to create a new resource, or when the server rejects the content of the resource because of business rules, it should perform a rollback of the creation of any previous entries.

Aanmeldbericht response (PUSH)

Trigger events

The target XIS completed processing of the Send Overdrachtsbericht transaction.

Message semantics

The target XIS responds to the Send Overdrachtsbericht transaction with an HTTP Response, where:

  • The status code SHALL be set appropriate to the processing outcome. When the resource syntax or data is incorrect or invalid, and cannot be used to create a new resource, the server returns a 400 Bad Request HTTP status code. When the server rejects the content of the resource because of business rules, the server returns a 422 Unprocessable Entity error HTTP status code.
  • On success, the response body SHALL be set to a FHIR Bundle resource containing one entry for each entry in the request, in the same order, with the outcome of processing the entry.
  • On failure, the response body SHOULD be set to a FHIR OperationOutcome resource with detailed error messages describing the reason for the error, and perform a rollback of the creation of any previous entries.

A client may use the returned Bundle to track the outcomes of processing the entry, and the identities assigned to the resources by the server. Each entry element SHALL contain a response element which details the outcome of processing the entry - the HTTP status code, and the location and ETag header values, which are used for identifying and versioning the resources. In addition, a resource may be included in the entry, as specified by the Prefer header.
