Sjabloon:Category see also

- {{Related category}}
- {{Cat see also}}
- Usual syntax
{{Category see also|List of category names (one or more)}}
- Most are pipe character separated category page names; up to 40 pages
- LABEL=Some other phrase... → replaces defaults: "See also category:" or "See also categories:" (prefix messages).
- That phrase is normally italicized. When defining LABEL any wikimarkup or HTML text will be accepted.
- You may assume a space before the first category link.
- The template is written in an HTML <span>...</span> block, so can be used in-line as part of a sentence. Conversely, an editing must ensure a blank line or HTML "<br/>" follows it, or the text may be run the next line into it.
- SISTER=Any valid interwiki or interproject prefix from de:, fr:, es: access to other wikipedia's to cross sister wiki's using sister projects abbreviations such as B:, Q:, S:, v: etc. and where applicable, both interlingual and cross project links can be made like
for linking categories on the German language Wikiversity, orSISTER=fr:B:
for linking categories on the French language Wikibooks.
- Simple examples
- {{Category see also|A}} → See also category: A
- {{Category see also|A|B}} →
- {{Category see also|A|B|C}} →
- example w/default message
- {{Category see also|aaa|bbb|ccc|ddd|eee}}
- would give (display as)
See also categories: aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd, and eee
- example w/LABEL parameter option
- {{Category see also|LABEL=See this list to evaluate whether one would be a better choice of |aaa | bbb | ccc | ddd | eee | fff }}
- would give (display as)
See this list to evaluate whether one would be a better choice of categories: aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd, eee, and fff
- Pragmatic example
Bobsledding and luge are Olympic sports properly subcategorized under 'sledding', so shouldn't appear (strictly speaking categorically so to speak) as sub-categories of 'winter sports', but which a lay reader using categories might expect to find them. So to show their presence and guide proper selections for editors choosing categories amongst the three layers of categories, one can include the sub-sub-categories as a see also annotation on the Category:Winter sports page.
- given by...
- {{Category see also|Luge|Bobsleigh}}
Hatnote templates
For a summary page on how to use these templates, see the example page here. For the full editing guideline on hatnotes, see Wikipedia:Hatnote.
{{Hatnote|CUSTOM TEXT}}
{{Rellink|CUSTOM TEXT}}
More pages on the same topic ("Further information ...")
"Main article: …"
is used to make summary style explicit, when used in a summary section for which there is also a separate article on the subject:
{{Main|Main Article}}
→Main article: Main Article{{Main|Main Article|Article2}}
→Main articles: Main Article and Article2{{Main list|Article1}}
→For a more comprehensive list, see Article1.
"For more details on …, see …"
can supplement {{Main}}
in summary sections, or can indicate more details in nonsummary sections:
allows any text to links:
{{Details3|[[article 1]], [[article 2]], and [[article 3]]|TOPIC}}
"See also …"
- Note: use only when OTHER TOPIC PAGE is related to current article and contains a self-explanatory parenthetical.
{{See also2|[[OTHER TOPIC]]|[[OTHER TOPIC2]]|[[OTHER TOPIC3]] and other text}}
"Further information: …"
→Further information: PAGE{{Further|PAGE1|PAGE2|PAGE3}}
→{{Further2|[[PAGE1]], [[PAGE2]], and [[PAGE#3|PAGE3]]}}
Other uses of the same title
"This page is about … For other uses …"
is the main template for noting other uses.
Note. When used in main namespace, the word "page" in the following hatnotes is replaced by "article".
→Deze page gaat over USE1. Voor andere toepassingen, zie Category see also (disambiguation).{{About|USE1||PAGE2}}
(When the disambiguation page has a different name – Note the empty second parameter) →Deze page gaat over USE1. Voor andere toepassingen, zie PAGE2.{{About|USE1|USE2|PAGE2}}
(When there is only one other use) →Deze page gaat over USE1. Voor USE2, zie PAGE2.{{About|USE1|USE2|PAGE2|and|PAGE3}}
(Two pages for USE2) →{{About|USE1|USE2|PAGE2#SUBSECTION{{!}}PAGE2TITLE}}
(Using the {{!}} template to give the link a different title) →Deze page gaat over USE1. Voor USE2, zie PAGE2TITLE.{{About|USE1|USE2|PAGE2|USE3|PAGE3|USE4|PAGE4|USE5|PAGE5}}
(When there are up to four other uses – You should generally create a disambiguation page at this point) →{{About|USE1|USE2|PAGE2|USE3|PAGE3|other uses}}
(When there are several standard other uses and also a disambiguation page with default name – Note that the last page name is not specified) →Deze page gaat over USE1. Voor USE2, zie PAGE2. Voor USE3, zie PAGE3. Voor other uses, zie Category see also (disambiguation).{{About|USE1|USE2|PAGE2|USE3|PAGE3|other uses|PAGE4}}
(When there are several standard other uses and also a disambiguation page with non-default name) →{{About|USE1|USE2|PAGE2|USE3|PAGE3|other uses|PAGE4|and}}
→Deze page gaat over USE1. Voor USE2, zie PAGE2. Voor USE3, zie PAGE3. Voor other uses, zie PAGE4 en Category see also (disambiguation).{{About||USE2|PAGE2|USE3|PAGE3|other uses}}
(When you don't need to state the focus of this article/page – Note the empty first parameter) →Voor USE2, zie PAGE2. Voor USE3, zie PAGE3. Voor other uses, zie Category see also (disambiguation).{{About|||PAGE1|and|PAGE2}}
- Note:
produces the same result.
{{Other uses-section|USE}}
(disambiguous) →This section is about USE. For other uses, see Category see also (disambiguation).
- Note: this hatnote says "section", instead of "article" or "page".
"For …, see …"
{{For}} can be used instead of {{About}} so as not to display: This page is about USE1. but still specify a specific other use. This effect can also be achieved by using an empty first parameter in {{About}} as in:
- For example:
is the same as{{About||OTHER TOPIC|PAGE1}}
(note the empty first parameter).
However, it is somewhat clearer when using the {{For}} template, since the word "about" does not appear in the statement.
(disambiguous) →For OTHER TOPIC, see Category see also (disambiguation).{{For|OTHER TOPIC|PAGE1}}
- Variations
As with {{Other uses}}, there is a whole family of "for" templates.[clarification needed]
"For other uses, see …"
When such a wordy hatnote as {{About}} is not needed, {{Other uses}} is often useful.
{{Other uses}}
(disambiguous) →Voor andere toepassingen, zie Category see also (disambiguation).{{Other uses|PAGE1}}
→Voor andere toepassingen, zie PAGE1.{{Other uses|PAGE1|PAGE2}}
- Variations
There are, historically, a whole family of "other uses" templates for specific cases. {{About}} is the standard hatnote for "other uses" and many of them can be specified using the {{About}} template. However, the individual templates may be easier to use in certain contexts.
Here are the variations and (when appropriate) the equivalents using the {{About}}, {{Other uses}} or {{For}} templates.
{{Other uses2|PAGE1}}
(disambiguous) →Voor andere toepassingen, zie PAGE1 (disambiguation).
- Note: adds "(disambiguation)" to whatever is input as the PAGE1.
- Note:
{{Other uses|PAGE1 (disambiguation)}}
produces the same result.
{{Two other uses|USE1|USE2|PAGE2}}
→Deze page gaat over USE1. Voor USE2, zie PAGE2. Voor other uses, zie Category see also (disambiguation).
- Note: same as {{about}}, except it forces a second use to be noted if unspecified by parameters.
{{Two other uses|USE1|USE2|PAGE2|USE3|PAGE3}}
→{{Three other uses|USE1|USE2|PAGE2|USE3|PAGE3}}
This article is about USE1. For USE2, see PAGE2. For USE3, see PAGE3. For other uses, see Category see also (disambiguation).{{Three other uses||USE2|PAGE2|USE3|PAGE3}}
→{{Three other uses|USE1|USE2|PAGE2|USE3|PAGE3|USE4|PAGE4}}
→This article is about USE1. For USE2, see PAGE2. For USE3, see PAGE3. For USE4, see Category see also (disambiguation).
"For other uses of …, see …"
{{Other uses of}}
(disambiguous) →For other uses of "Category see also", see Category see also (disambiguation).{{Other uses of|TOPIC}}
(disambiguous) →For other uses of "TOPIC", see TOPIC (disambiguation).{{Other uses of|TOPIC|PAGE1}}
→For other uses of "TOPIC", see PAGE1.
"… redirects here. For other uses, see …"
(disambiguous) →"REDIRECT" redirects here. For other uses, see REDIRECT (disambiguation).{{Redirect|REDIRECT||PAGE1}}
→"REDIRECT" redirects here. For other uses, see PAGE1.{{Redirect|REDIRECT|USE1|PAGE1}}
→"REDIRECT" redirects here. For USE1, see PAGE1.{{Redirect|REDIRECT|USE1|PAGE1|USE2|PAGE2}}
(disambiguous) →"REDIRECT" redirects here. For USE1, see PAGE1. For other uses, see REDIRECT (disambiguation).{{Redirect6|REDIRECT|USE1|PAGE1||PAGE2}}
- Variations
- For two sources:
(disambiguous) →"REDIRECT1" and "REDIRECT2" redirect here. For other uses, see REDIRECT1 (disambiguation).{{Redirect2|REDIRECT1|REDIRECT2|USE}}
→"REDIRECT1" and "REDIRECT2" redirect here. For USE, see REDIRECT1 (disambiguation).{{Redirect2|REDIRECT1|REDIRECT2||PAGE1}}
→"REDIRECT1" and "REDIRECT2" redirect here. For other uses, see PAGE1.{{Redirect2|REDIRECT1|REDIRECT2|USE|PAGE1}}
→"REDIRECT1" and "REDIRECT2" redirect here. For USE, see PAGE1.{{Redirect2|REDIRECT1|REDIRECT2|USE1|PAGE1|USE2|PAGE2}}
(disambiguous) →"REDIRECT1" and "REDIRECT2" redirect here. For other uses, see REDIRECT1 (disambiguation) and REDIRECT2 (disambiguation).{{Redirect4|REDIRECT1|REDIRECT2|USE|TEXT}}
→"REDIRECT1" and "REDIRECT2" redirect here. For USE, see TEXT.
- For three sources:
(disambiguous) →"REDIRECT1", "REDIRECT2", and "REDIRECT3" redirect here. For other uses, see REDIRECT1 (disambiguation), REDIRECT2 (disambiguation), and REDIRECT3 (disambiguation).
→"REDIRECT" redirects here. TEXT.{{Redirect-synonym|TERM|OTHER TOPIC}}
→"TERM" redirects here. TERM may also refer to OTHER TOPIC.{{Redirect text|REDIRECT|TEXT}}
→"REDIRECT" redirects here. TEXT.
- ... Not to be confused with ...
→"REDIRECT" redirects here. It is not to be confused with PAGE1.{{Redirect-distinguish|REDIRECT|PAGE1|PAGE2|PAGE3|PAGE4}}
→"REDIRECT" redirects here. It is not to be confused with TEXT.
"… If you are seeking another topic, … consider adding it to …."
{{Consider disambiguation|USE1|USE2|PAGE2}}
(disambiguous) →This article is about USE1. For USE2, see PAGE2. If you are seeking another topic, additional searches are listed at Category see also (disambiguation).{{Consider disambiguation|USE1|USE2|PAGE2|PAGE3}}
- Note:USE1 can be omitted, resulting in language like {{For}} above.
Similar proper names ("For other people named ...")
Other people
{{Other people}}
(disambiguous) →For other people named Category see also, see Category see also (disambiguation).{{Other people|NAME}}
(disambiguous) →For other people named NAME, see NAME (disambiguation).{{Other people|NAME|PAGE}}
→For other people named NAME, see PAGE.{{Other people|NAME|PAGE|named=titled}}
→For other people titled NAME, see PAGE.{{Other people2|PAGE}}
→For other people of the same name, see PAGE.{{Other people3}}
(disambiguous) →For other people named Category see also, see Category see also (disambiguation).
- Note: same as {{About}} except uses "other people" instead of "other uses" if only 1 parameter is used
{{Other people3|PERSON1}}
(disambiguous) →This article is about PERSON1. For other people named Category see also, see Category see also (disambiguation).{{Other people3|PERSON1|PERSON2}}
(disambiguous) →This article is about PERSON1. For PERSON2, see Category see also (disambiguation).{{Other people3|PERSON1|PERSON2|PAGE2}}
→This article is about PERSON1. For PERSON2, see PAGE2.{{Other people3|PERSON1||PAGE2}}
→This article is about PERSON1. For other people named Category see also, see PAGE2.{{Other people5|NAME1|NAME2|NAME3|NAME4}}
- Note: defaults to "named" as in {{Other people}}, exists for options like "nicknamed", "known as", etc.
Other places
{{Other places}}
, analogous to {{Other uses}} (disambiguous) →For other places with the same name, see Category see also (disambiguation).{{Other places|PAGE}}
, analogous to {{Other uses2}}(disambiguous) →For other places with the same name, see PAGE (disambiguation).{{Other places3|PAGE}}
, analogous to {{Other uses}} →For other places with the same name, see PAGE.
Other hurricanes
{{Other hurricanes}}
(disambiguous) →Voor other storms of the same name, zie Category see also (disambiguation).{{Other hurricanes|PAGE1}}
→Voor other storms of the same name, zie PAGE1.{{Other hurricanes|PAGE1|THIS}}
→Deze page gaat over THIS. Voor other storms of the same name, zie PAGE1.{{Other hurricanes||THIS}}
→Deze page gaat over THIS. Voor other storms of the same name, zie Category see also (disambiguation).
Other ships
For articles on ships:
{{Other ships|SHIP1}}
→For other ships of the same name, see SHIP1.
"Not to be confused with …"
→Not to be confused with PAGE1.{{Distinguish|PAGE1|PAGE2|PAGE3|PAGE4}}
→Not to be confused with TEXT.
"… redirects here. It is not to be confused with …"
→"REDIRECT" redirects here. It is not to be confused with PAGE1.{{Redirect-distinguish|REDIRECT|PAGE1|PAGE2|PAGE3|PAGE4}}
→"REDIRECT" redirects here. It is not to be confused with TEXT.
"For technical reasons, … redirects here. For … , see … ."
{{Technical reasons|REDIRECT}}
→For technical reasons, "REDIRECT" redirects here.{{Technical reasons|REDIRECT|PAGE}}
→For technical reasons, "REDIRECT" redirects here. For REDIRECT, see PAGE.{{Technical reasons|REDIRECT|DESCRIPTION|PAGE}}
→For technical reasons, "REDIRECT" redirects here. For DESCRIPTION, see PAGE.{{Technical reasons|REDIRECT|DESCRIPTION1|PAGE1|DESCRIPTION2|PAGE2}}
→For technical reasons, "REDIRECT" redirects here. For DESCRIPTION1, see PAGE1. For DESCRIPTION2, see PAGE2.{{Technical reasons|REDIRECT|DESCRIPTION1|PAGE1|DESCRIPTION2|PAGE2|DESCRIPTION3|PAGE3}}
→For technical reasons, "REDIRECT" redirects here. For DESCRIPTION1, see PAGE1. For DESCRIPTION2, see PAGE2. For DESCRIPTION3, see PAGE3.
Wikipedia self-reference
Category-specific templates:
{{Category see also|THIS|THAT|THE OTHER}}
This is a template for linking categories horizontally. Horizontal linkage is often the right solution when vertical linkage (i.e., as sub-category and parent category) is not appropriate. In most cases, this template should be used on both categories to create reciprocal linkage between the two categories.
{{Cat main|MAIN ARTICLE}}
→The main article for this category is MAIN ARTICLE.{{Category explanation|colourless green ideas}}
→This category is for colourless green ideas.{{Category pair|TOPIC1|TOPIC2}}
→See also the preceding Category:TOPIC1 and the succeeding Category:TOPIC2.{{CatPreceding|OTHER TOPIC}}
→See also the preceding Category:OTHER TOPIC.{{CatSucceeding|OTHER TOPIC}}
→See also the succeeding Category:OTHER TOPIC.{{Contrast|OTHERCAT|OTHERCAT2}}
Family names
User pages
{{This user talk|TOPIC|PAGE1}}
Do not use subst: with these templates, as that will prevent:
- propagating changes as the template is modified; and the
- What links here (WLH) listing.
These templates are used in thousands of articles; therefore, changing the syntax could break thousands of articles. If you wish to create or edit a disambiguation or redirection template, first ask yourself the following questions:
- Is there already a template that will do this job? Since many disambiguation and redirection templates have already been created, first check: Category:Disambiguation and redirection templates.
- Do I really need a new template for this? Will it likely be used on any other articles or should I just use {{Hatnote}} instead? Before creating a new template, see the template namespace guideline.
- If I change the parameters around on an existing template, do I know what the result will be? Will it break existing uses of the template and if so, can I fix all of the errors? Before making any changes, see Template sandbox and test cases.
See also
{{#invoke: Navbox | navbox }}
The above documentation is transcluded from Sjabloon:Category see also/doc. (edit | history) Editors can experiment in this template's sandbox (create) and testcases (create) pages. Please add categories and interwikis to the /doc subpage. Subpages of this template. |