40x40px | Wikiquote has a collection of quotations related to: Wikiquote |

is the name of the page on Wikiquote. Optionally, DISPLAYTEXT
can be specified to show a different link title from the PAGENAME
20px Do not place this template in a section all by itself.
20px Do not place this template in a section containing columns.
This template should normally be placed at the top of the ==External links== section at the end of an article, if the article has a section for external links. If no such section exists, then please place it at the top of the last section in the article.
On disambiguation pages, this template should be listed above other text, but below any cleanup templates, images, infoboxes or navboxes.
See Wikipedia:Wikimedia sister projects#Where_to_place_links for more information and alternatives.
Template data
<templatedata>{ "description": "Creates a small box with a links to a page on Wikiquote.", "params": {
"1": { "label": "Pagename", "description": "The page name on Wikiquote. The article's page name is used as a default.", "type": "string", "required": false }, "2": { "label": "Showname", "description": "Optional displayed link text.", "type": "string", "required": false }
See also
- Sjabloon:Wikiquote-inline (bewerken overleg links geschiedenis)
- Sjabloon:Wikiquotelang (bewerken overleg links geschiedenis) to link to a Wikiquote project for another language
The above documentation is transcluded from Sjabloon:Wikiquote/doc. (edit | history) Editors can experiment in this template's sandbox (create) and testcases (create) pages. Please add categories and interwikis to the /doc subpage. Subpages of this template. |